I have now set up a Paypal account whereby I can securely receive payments for purchases. You’ll need to email me if you wish to buy a book from me. Here’s an email address: jfm (at) jessemullins.com.

Currently I am at work on a book whose name keeps changing. The latest name I put on it is “Original Reason.” Other titles were “The Cause,” “Restorer,” “Second Adam,” and “One Man Obeyed.” It is a book about salvation – specifically about how Christ’s obedience to the Father saved man. You might think that that has been a settled question for 2,000 years. It has not. But I have found scripture that (when properly understood) starts us down a line of reasoning that, augmented by yet more scripture, explains this most essential of all Christian issues. Click here for more information on the book-in-progress (including the first couple of pages). I have also posted material about my first book, Rightly Divided. You can read the first two chapters and view the Table of Contents (and some other info) here. For a press release on the book, as well as some testimonials and other explanatory materials, go here. This page will be where I will post all additional material related to my books. Thanks – I hope you’ll take a look. Jesse

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