
SomethingSolidNewsJacobsLadderEvery single invitee to this page—every one of the fewer-than-250 “charter” recipients of my e-newsletter Something Solid—is someone with whom I have some connection. Some who are reading this have copies of my first book. Some are past or present church-mates. Some are professional or personal contacts. And some are co-members of an interest group or online discussion group. The debut issue also went out to registrants to this website. Whatever our connection, I am pleased to welcome you here and hopefully this marks the beginning of an even-more-solid (and growing) relationship. Because you are few, you are special. No matter how much this cause might grow, I will always remember the hand-picked ones with whom I took my first steps.

Okay, enough sentimentality!  : – )   I don’t want to spike any glucose levels even before we’ve shared a premiere issue together!   : -)  And I’ll try to cut down on those smiley faces, too!  Your humble scribe will strive for doses of seriousness   : – |  studiousness   : – |  and (can’t always help myself) sportiveness   : – 0  when those are called for. And maybe when they are un-called for. And maybe right now you’re wondering if your scribe thinks that ending sentences with prepositions is something that is called for. But rest assured—that is something up with which he will not put!

As for email addresses, yours is safe here, just as it always has been. No one’s email address is given away, sold, or shared.

A free e-newsletter like this can flourish best if it is forwarded. That’s my reason for using Constant Contact. If you forward the e-newsletter to friends, family, or other contacts, they can subscribe, and future installments will go direct to them. Also, Constant Contact ensures that you (and any contact to whom you might forward the newsletter) can opt-out (unsubscribe) at any time. My hope is that that guarantee will give you added confidence in passing Something Solid along to others. There is a “subscribe” button on every newsletter installment.

Speaking of which…  If you received this e-newsletter direct from its editor, Jesse Mullins (jesse.mullins at juno.com), then you do not need to subscribe—you are one of those charter subscribers. If, however, this was forwarded to you by someone other than Jesse Mullins, then you will need to subscribe in order to receive future installments. To do that, click on the appropriate button on the e-newsletter, in your mailbox. (Maybe reachable by hitting your “back” button?)

To explore this issue’s subject matter, simply go back to the newsletter (in your mailbox) and click on any of the featured topics. Each click will take you to a different page on this website. But in case you just want to just proceed from here, I have duplicated those same topics below, to save you a step. Just click on the appropriate photo or the words in blue.

I’m not sure how frequent Something Solid will be. It might take a few issues to get a rhythm, but in the early going I don’t expect to be e-publishing faster than semi-monthly or monthly, at best.

Thanks! Enjoy, and let me know how I can make this better. May the Good Lord be with us all.  Til next time, blessings,   Jesse

Speech2To go to the “About the Editor” photos and write-up, click on the photo at right.






SomethingSolidNinevehIStock_000008556025XSmall To go to this issue’s main study, Part I of “The Gospel as Free Will,” click on the image at left.






SomethingSolidPicExceptThruMeFor the “Coming in Future Issues” coverage, click on the photo at right.






MeAndGuyAtDisplayImg0994For “A Christian Writer’s UnChristian Writings,” click on the image at left.


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