Neighbor, it’s been a long time. The longest time, really, between issues to have intruded into the slightly-more-than-a-year that I’ve been e-publishing Something Solid. Thanks for being patient.

I’ve been busy! You may have noticed already that two new endeavors now occupy my time: the editor’s role at Permian Basin Oil and Gas Magazine and a working partnership with my bride. We call the latter enterprise Jemully Media. If you missed the mention of it in the newsletter, you can learn more about it here.
I’ll say more about the Permian Basin job (it’s currently a half-time job that should increase over time) in a later issue.
Another role (a sideline for me) has been my job as an online editor for Demand Media Studios. And I have been continuing to write and sell freelance magazine articles and (even more recently) to edit a book for a very talented and insightful Christian author named Stanley W. Paher.
Shortly after this newsletter goes out (I am posting this article as part of my August 2011 e-newsletter Something Solid, which anyone can receive for free by emailing me (jesse.mullins (at) to request it, I will be removing some names from my newsletter mailing list, to cut costs. There are always some recipients who do not read the material. That’s to be expected. But it costs me money to maintain the subscriber list I maintain at Constant Contact, and I can save $$ each month if I keep that list trimmed to just the active readership. So I will take off a few names soon. Don’t worry – if you arrived here from the newsletter, then Constant Contact will give me an indication that you are “active,” and I’ll know to keep you on the list.
Please be sure to read the rest of the one-page newsletter that brought you here, and meanwhile, as usual, I will insert some quick links to take you to all the content that the newsletter highlights. Happy reading! Hope to catch you sooner than last (this) time! : – )

To read the piece on the Spade Ranch, go here and just start at the upper left corner of the page. You’ll also see, elsewhere on the page, that I posted some videos I shot while I was there.

For a profile of Christian magazine publisher and editor Terri Temple, go here.
For my study on sin, death, and law (“Sin is No More? Did Christ’s Victory Remove Sin and Death? A Consideration”), go here.
For a visit to our new website (that is, my wife Kit’s and mine) for our new venture called Jemully Media, go here.