Welcome, friend and fellow pilgrim! From this page you can access anything in this edition of Something Solid. Browse around and make yourself at home.

You already knew you had good taste. And if any more proof of that fact were necessary, there is this: your free, forward-able newsletter has grown more than 50 percent in circulation since the last one you received. That’s right. More than 50 percent. Thanks for your generosity in forwarding it to your friends. I hope you’ll continue, so that I can give another encouraging report next issue.
Let this page be your hitching rail. You’ll find all the same links here that you saw highlighted on the e-newsletter itself. When you clicked on the “Editor’s Notes” link, you were whisked to this website, where all the stories “live.” This page provides a permanent, bookmark-able menu for all the articles (see below) in the January 2011 issue of Something Solid.
It’s been waaaay too long since I circulated an issue, so please know that if you have not seen one in months, you haven’t been overlooked, or anything like that. The last one was emailed in August. It was my goal, starting out last March, to circulate a new issue every two months, and I hope to get back to that schedule, if not something more frequent.
The Latest from your Editor and E-publisher
It’s been a while since we connected, and I’ve been busy!
Two of my biggest current projects: an in-depth personality profile of author Nancy Pearcey and an assigned magazine article on the historic Spade Ranch of west Texas. I spent two days on the ranch in October with Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Skeeter Hagler, whom I corraled as my partner on the job. (I featured Skeeter in an issue of American Cowboy years ago.) Skeeter and I are creating a package that will run as a feature article (tentatively scheduled as a cover story) for an issue of Texas Co-op Power Magazine. That title might sound obscure, but this mag reaches 1.2 million households! It’s huge.
As soon as I’ve hit “send” on this issue, I’m back onto the ranch story, which I will finish by this weekend. Then I’ll be finishing the Pearcey article, which I’ve been researching for weeks. The interview is already in the can. I obtained quotes from numerous other parties, including David Limbaugh, who has a very high opinion of Pearcey. If you haven’t taken a look at Nancy’s newest book, Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning, then I hope you will check it out. She’s given hundreds of interviews this year. I review the book for the Christian Post – what I believe is the most-trafficked Christian news site on the web – and you can read that review here.
The book itself is an event, and a difference-maker. I think you will find my forthcoming profile to be very interesting. Stay tuned!
Table of Contents – Issue Number 4

To access the article entitled “In Praise of Praise,” go here.

For the article “God Will ALWAYS Forgive,” go here.

For “Jars of Clay,” an eye-opening study on God’s deliberate act of entrusting the gospel to fallible human beings, go here. This message has a place in every Bible teacher’s (or preacher’s) scriptural repertoire.

For my review of Alive in the Spirit, click here.

For my review of Christianity in Crisis, 21st Century, click here.

For “Political Correctness: Its Cause and Its Cure,” click here. This is some of my most original thinking, so be prepared to be challenged.

For “Coming Attractions,” this is the spot.
Be a “Free Thinker”
The November issue of Think Magazine is devoted to the topic of “God and Politics.”
Its cover asks, “Is Religion Essential to the Preservation of Civil Government?” The publishers decided to make the entire issue free to anyone who wishes to download it. All that is necessary is to visit the magazine’s website and download a pdf. The site is found here.

So far, I have read about the first half of the free issue and I find it very informative, useful, and compelling. Think, which is published by Focus Press, is co-edited by Dr. Brad Harrub and Joe Wells. Harrub (for those who are not acquainted with him) is an authority on Christian evidences.
A Plug for Zach’s (as in Zacchaeus’) House
Ever heard of a micro-church? Neither had I. Read on for more…
Some 12 or more years ago I made the acquaintance of a preacher (he was then a preaching school student) and photographer who had an excellent portfolio of cowboy images to his credit. I featured him in an issue of American Cowboy magazine. He is a fellow Texan and his name is Brian Humek. I have kept touch with him over the years. Brian has since branched out into several ventures, one of which is that worthwhile endeavor known as church planting. I invite you to see for yourself what is meant by a micro-church. And to see what’s shaking at “Zach’s.” Here’s your link.
A Plug for Pratt
This item’s for the (fellow) Texans in our midst, but it might prove of interest to anyone who cares about liberty, national security, national (and local) sovereignty, personal freedoms, the Bill of Rights, education, home schooling, and a lot of other issues. Broadcasting “from the High Ground of Texas,” Pratt on Texas is a new radio talk show that I strongly endorse. I sought out and met the show’s host and namesake, Robert Pratt, on one of his visits to my home city of Abilene, and in just over a week I’ll be rendezvousing with him in his own fair city of Lubbock to discuss projects we might pursue in tandem. I could tell you more about his show, but a quick jaunt to his website (right here) will give a better introduction, and besides, you can listen in because he offers streaming audio.
Got news? Send it this way, and be sure to let me know it’s for consideration in Something Solid. God bless!