Hi! Thanks for your interest in Something Solid e-newsletter, “a journal of encouragement, edification, and exploration – on matters of God, family, and country.”
Currently, more than 300 individuals are on the mailing list, most of them members of the church of Christ, the fellowship to which I myself belong.
To add your email address to the mailing list, click here.
If you’d like to sample the goods first, then click here (for the debut issue) or here (for the second [May/June] issue). For Issue 3 (August 2010), go here.
While you are examining one of the above sample issues, it is an easy matter to sign up for the newsletter simply by clicking on the “Join Our Mailing List” button that is found on the right-hand side of the e-newsletter itself.
No one’s email address is given away, sold, or shared.

The e-newsletter itself is distributed through a third party, Constant Contact. Constant Contact ensures that you (and any contact to whom you might forward the newsletter) can opt-out (unsubscribe) at any time. My hope is that that guarantee will give you added confidence in passing Something Solid along to others. There is a “subscribe” button on every newsletter installment.
I’m not sure how frequent Something Solid will be. Thus far, it has been bimonthly.
Just for convenience’s sake, I have duplicated some newsletter topics below (the same material you will find if you view/sample one of the newsletter installments). Just click on the appropriate photo or the words in blue.
Thanks! Enjoy, and if you sign up, please feel free to send your feedback. I can be reached at 469.371.7323 or at this email address: jfm at jessemullins.com. May the Good Lord bless you. Brotherly, Jesse
To go to the “About the Editor” photos and write-up, click on the photo at right.
To go to this issue’s (the debut issue’s) main study, Part I of “The Gospel as Free Will,” click on the image at left.
For the “Coming in Future Issues” coverage, click on the photo at right.
For “A Christian Writer’s UnChristian Writings” 🙂 click on the image at left.