Just noticed from my site metrics that this website should surpass the 25,000 mark for total pageviews – an event that should happen sometime Wednesday, March 27.

For a site that is devoted almost exclusively to one individual’s opinions, assertions, rants, jibes, buffooneries, and ramblings, and that’s a lot of viewing.

I’m that person, so I should know. But I thank you, whoever it is who is reading this, for giving me the chance to have my say, such as it is.

So what does one say on the threshold of a milestone? I guess I could mention the pages that have drawn the most pageviews.

By pulling the data from the last three months, I can state that these are the most trafficked posts, in descending order:

Tops is my profile on author John R. Erickson. That one just keeps pulling and pulling and pulling. Nabbed 573 hits over these three months. See it here.

Next up, the home page itself. I won’t put a link here, ’cause it’s easy to find. Interesting thing is, most people just assume that the home page is the main page one views, and the most trafficked page. For some sites, yes. I find that more readers reach this site via an organic search that takes them to one of the specific posts, rather than to the home page.

Third ranked: Nancy Pearcey article. This one hasn’t been the biggest draw over the past three months, but for a while in 2011 it was the top performer, and could return there again. It is the most “liked” or “shared” article. Last I saw, it had 119 Facebook shares. That makes it my most viral of my posts. Hit count over three months: 260. Find it here.

Fourth is my profile of painter Jon McNaughton, whose patriotic and provocative themes have garnered him a lot of national attention. When I looked at this post tonight, it had 112 (!) Facebook likes or shares. I had had no idea that it was getting passed around so much on social media. Find it at this link.

Another recent post that has pulled a lot of pageviews is my Q-and-A with author/publisher Stanley Paher. Find it here.

That’s all for now. Thanks so much for visiting. Hope to have bigger and better numbers to share soon!



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